Join Trend Hotels Loyalty Club
Unlock a world of exclusive benefits by joining the Loyalty Member's Club of Trend Hotels! As a valued member, you will enjoy a fantastic 10% discount on room bookings, ensuring you get the best rate for your stay. But that's just the beginning! Revel in 4% cashback on all hotel spending, making your every indulgence even more rewarding. Planning your next getaway? Benefit from an additional 4% cashback on future bookings, helping you save more for your upcoming adventures.
Traveling in style? Enjoy a generous 20% discount on transfers to make your journey seamless and convenient. Pamper yourself at our luxurious spa with a 10% discount, allowing you to unwind and rejuvenate during your stay. Plus, we'll greet you with a complimentary selection of wine and fresh fruits upon arrival, adding a touch of warmth to your experience.
And for those spontaneous getaways, take advantage of early check-in based on availability, giving you the freedom to escape to relaxation sooner. Join the Loyalty Member's Club today and access these unique advantages and much more, making every visit to Trend Hotels an unforgettable experience!